Welcome: Qingdao Lepinkids Home Furnishing Co., Ltd


Black Friday

Black Friday is a colloquial term for the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Many stores offer highly promoted sales on Black Friday and open very early (sometimes as early as midnight), or some time on Thanksgiving Day.” Referring

Black Friday is a colloquial term for the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Many stores offer highly promoted sales on Black Friday and open very early (sometimes as early as midnight), or some time on Thanksgiving Day.” Referring from Wikipedia. Black Friday has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year in many countries global, such as America, Canada, UK, Australia, Mexico etc… since 2005.


Many stores have to close due to covid since last year and situations, most likely, better since many people get vaccinum but similar, considering not to extent the spreading. Online retail business, big and small, have been fast growing in most countries since last year. Now, coming near to another new big sales rocking day-Last and Black Friday of Nov. 2021.

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Baby furniture business never concludes, especially the wood ones will definitely shine on the coming Day. As one of the top manufacturer of baby cribs and other baby furniture, we hope the new peaks to our customers, the leading brands in the world from US, Canada, UK, UAE, S’pore … you can always meet their brand names in life; also to our own

brand MOOB & Lulala hit new height during Chinese Nov. 11th festival.


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